很早以前就我就知道了(develop , organize , motivate and Turning Strategy into Reality)

作者:曼特宁  发表在www.ssbbcc.com  于2009年09月03日




Hay Group, Turning Strategy into Reality

Hay Group is a global management consulting firm that works with leaders to transform strategy into reality. We develop talent, organize people to be more effective and motivate them to perform at their best. Our focus is on making change happen and helping people and organizations realize their potential.


1、transform strategy into reality:做了这么久管理类的工作,平时都处于执行的状态,很难得有心情静下来好好想想一些大的东西。做管理其实其实就是管理人,他的目的是为了把高层做出的决策,通过一系列的方法使其得到执行,并取得效果。目前我还处于执行的状态,至于效果呢?从表面的数字来看,是取得了不错的成绩。但这个成绩到底是市场驱动的?还是管理驱动呢?站在这个浪头是个幸运的事,但到了浪底呢?我们的管理有什么可以提高的呢?公司依托中国这个大的市场背景和人力资源优势能够取得长足的发展。但之后呢?老板的危机意识是很强烈的,也认识到我们的底子薄,在搞很多的变革,很多的想法也从教科书中搬到实际当中。但是其他公司呢?我们在搞很多思想、方法的提倡,但是其他公司呢?如何将这些落实到实际当中呢?以前上课的时候听说也请了Hay Group来为人力上的咨询,才了解这个公司。落实到个人,我们是有很多的想法,这些想法怎么样才能落实呢?也就是transform strategy into reality,或者说是transform thingking  into reality。

2、develop talent, organize people,有了想法,当然要去执行,这就是develop和organize。目前我处理的很多事情都是有关流程和方法类的指导。市场一线在做一件事情的时候要遵守许多的内部规则。许多的方法流程就不一一提起。这里要讲的是,怎么样将人的行为和流程匹配起来,特别是这种改变要触及许多人原来的工作方法和习惯,他们往往无法立刻适应这种改变,那么这个过程,除了奖惩、铁腕、先僵化再灵活等等外,沟通在组织和执行的过程中往往很重要。同不同方面的人打交道,了解他们的实际状况、需求,预测他们可能的反应和真实的想法。同时又要考验推动者自身的做事风格,事情能否考虑周全,能否在深思熟虑后坚持自己的想法,是否有足够的韧性做好长期执行改变。同时做事周到细心,考虑全面。比如现在我组织会议,算上国内的话,要跨越5个时区,4个不同的时间点,同时还有3种不同的休假制度,在这样的条件下如何保证时间的合理安排,第一次做,真是一门学问。

3、motivate them to perform at their best。不论做什么事情,要想把他做好,都要会忽悠。前几天听地区部总裁的课,做客户经理出生的就是会忽悠,刚几句话,就把全场的热情调动起来,这就是一种忽悠吧。要想让别人听你的话,去做事情,特别是一些特别刁的人,要会连哄带骗、连推带打、威胁恐吓,总之要树立自己的威信和感染力。想曾经,我也是以伪滑头的形象出现的,现在却成了宅男。也许宅男是我的本质吧,但我总觉得,我还有另外一面。因为,男人不只一面。(盗用某广告的~)所以啊感染力是非常重要的。,鼓励,激励他人努力朝一个目标去奋斗~



Associate Consultant 助理顾问

Job Summary:

Work with client in projects to deliver the well defined consulting services by deploying personal expertise in some areas of executing strategy through organizing, developing and motivating people.


1. Clearly confirmed view that the individual will pursue professional consulting as a career
2. Have sufficient knowledge and experience (or accredited) in at least 2 specific areas about organizing people, developing people and motivating people
3. Be able to work under pressure, self-motivated, responsible, learn fast, creative and precise
4. Be able to work effectively with diversified environment and people
5. Minimum 2 years work experience


Consultant/Senior Consultant 咨询顾问/高级顾问

Job Summary:

Under limited guidance and support, achieve targeted revenue generation stream by deploying personal capability in client relationship management, project management and expertise in executing strategy.


1. Clearly confirmed view that the individual will pursue professional consulting as a career
2. Demonstrates commercial and business mindedness, and can articulate personal “value added” to Hay Group and clients
3. Have sufficient knowledge and experience (or accredited) in helping organizations executing their strategy through better organizing, developing and motivating people
4. Proven experience of strong project management capability
5. Proven reference of high level of client satisfactory in services
6. Be able to work under pressure, be creative, independent
7. Be able to work effectively with diversified environment and people
8. Minimum 4 years work experience ( at least two-year small to medium size project management experience)


Consulting Manager/Director 咨询经理/咨询总监

Job Summary:

Play as practice expertise authority or team leader to provide guidance and support on professional consulting delivery, client relationship management, project management and business development in the areas of executing strategy.


1. Clearly confirmed view that the individual will pursue professional consulting as a career
2. Demonstrates commercial and business mindedness, and can articulate personal “value added” to Hay and clients
3. Recognized authority in certain areas or seasoned knowledge and experience (or accredited) in areas of executing strategy through organizing, developing and motivating people
4. Proven experience of managing large size projects
5. Proven reference of high level of client satisfactory in services
6. Proven experience in business development
7. Be able to work under pressure, creative, efficient, team leadership
8. Be able to work effectively with diversified environment and people
9. Minimum 6  years work experience (at least two-year experience in large project management)



1、develop , organize , motivate是出现得最多的词,也就是说,他们是基础。

2、work under pressure, creative, efficient, team leadership,也是另一个基础。

3、client relationship management, project management and business development,这些都是commercial and business mindedness。


分类: 反方向的钟

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  1. 疯疯 9月 3rd, 2009 at 10:12 上午



    曼特宁 回复:



  2. 疯疯 9月 3rd, 2009 at 2:29 下午



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